好价:巴利 BALLY WICTOR/00_7.5 0100 BLACK EU 7.5 WICTOR/00_7.5_19AW_MSHO 384.3美元(7.0折)
推荐人:海带君 发布时间:2020-04-02 13:48:11
国家:韩国 商铺集团:新罗免税店 品牌:BALLY 巴利

原价:$549 (约 ¥3,892.41)

折扣价:$384.3 (7.0折)


尺寸:EU 7.5

制造商:BALLY(制造商) / Bluebell Korea Ltd. (官方进口商)

使用注意事项: - 请参考商品保证书及使用说明书。1. 随后无法替换尺码,建议访问卖场或电话咨询确认实际尺码后,再进行购买。2. 领取商品后不可替换颜色/尺寸以及取消订单。如果想取消,请务必在领取场内申请取消。3. 皮革材质发生污垢,建议使用湿巾或品牌专用清洁霜擦拭。4. 皮革上所发生的皱纹是天然皮革所富有的自然现象,不可因此申请调换/退款。5. 使用产品前必须确认使用说明书。所有BALLY的皮革产品采用天然皮革,以柔软感和舒适感为最大的特点,因此,需要小心打理。BALLY的鞋是以最高级的皮革和最佳的工艺为基础制成的产品,穿着时非常舒适,但因为不是定制鞋款,无法解决每个人脚部构造特征及相应问题。请务必亲自试穿,选择适合顾客大小的最舒适鞋子。特别是需要注意以下几点。1. 鞋底及鞋面由皮革制成,请勿在下雨天穿着。2. 为了保护天然皮革,请勿过度弄出光泽(水光/灯光)。3. 不建议贴橡胶鞋底。贴橡胶鞋底或后跟的产品,即使产生问题也无法进行处理。4. 穿着/穿戴BALLY产品时,请务必穿戴相同颜色的衣物/袜子。5. 皮革鞋底的侧线(中底)撕裂的现象为穿着时可能出现的现象。6. 所有休闲鞋和聚氨酯鞋底的鞋款,鞋底采用胶粘工艺,因此不可更换及维修后跟。7. DRIVING SHOES可在室内/驾驶时轻便穿着。(皮革受损现象,不可维修。)※ BALLY不提供礼品包装服务及购物袋。※ BALLY产品采用天然皮革制成,因皮革本身会有一点擦痕或因角度的不同会存在染色不均匀的现象,这不是产品质量问题,对此不可调换或退货,请谅解。

品质保证标准:保修期为1年. 如果出现品质问题,会根据公正交易委员会公告的消费者纷争解决标准予以赔偿。 购买折扣产品时,不提供免费售后服务,需要付费。

使用方法、注意事项、安全标志(注意、警告等):1. *As size exchange is not possible once you receive the product, we recommend you to purchase after a consultation via phone or by visiting the store in order for you to find the right size shoes. 2. Color/Size exchange and cancellation are not possible once you receive the product. Please request for the cancellation at the Pick-Up Counter. 3. When the leather is contaminated, please wipe with a wet tissue or shoe cream from Bally.4. Due to the characteristics of the genuine leather, wrinkles/dots/scratches and others may appear on the leather texture. This will not regarded as a product defect. Therefore, exchanges and refunds are not available. 5. Please read the directions or precautions before you use the item. ※ As all Bally shoes are made with genuine leather for your comfort, special care is needed for the materials. ※ Even though we provide luxury shoues, made of genuine leather, the sizes may differ according to individual’s foot shape. We recommend you to purchase after a consultation via phone or by visiting the store for an accurate size. DIRECTIONS 1. 1. It is recommended to avoid wearing shoes with leather outsole or made entirely of leather on rainy days. 2. To protect genuine leather, do not polish the shoes excessively. 3. It is not recommended to add the sole of a shoe, made of rubber. When the rubber is added on the leather sole, it will block the ventilation of air and discouraging the formation of sweat. Please note that shoes with rubber soles or heels attached will not be covered when damaged. 4. Please wear same colored apparels/socks when wearing Bally products. 5. Side line (mid insole) of leather insole may fall apart during wear. This may occur due to physical factors during manufacturing method (penetration of moisture, humidity) or the negligence of the handling/storing (long-term storage). This is repairable. 6. Please note that for all casual shoes and shoes with urethane sole, exchanging or repairing heels will not be available as the shoe sole bonding process is applied for these items. 7. Wear the driving shoes only as directed. (Damaged leather is not repairable)※ As all BALLY products are made of genuine leather, minor scratches may occur, and the color may look slightly different depending on the angles. This will not be regarded as a product defect(s); in this case, exchanges and returns will not be available. ※ Please note that BALLY do not provide "gift wrapping service", or a "shopping bag".


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